Thursday, January 29, 2009

Ganesha Sloka

Mooshika vaahana modhaha hastha
Chamara karna vilambitha suthra
Vamana rupa maheswara puthra
Vigna vinayaga padha namaste

He who has the mouse as the vahana, He who always keeps Modhak (a traditional sweet made from coconut jaggery and rice that is rolled into a ball) He who has ears that resemble a hand held fan. He who wears a chain-like ornament around his waist, He who is short statured, He who is the son of Lord Maheshwara. O! Lord Vinayaka who is all the above and he who removes all impediments(vignas), We worship your Divine Feet.


Vijay said...

Really a Great work! Thanks a lot for sharing these. Please keep up this Great work.

anitha said...

thank u for the meaning of the sloka which is useful to say my kid

anitha said...

thank u for meaning of the sloka, its very useful to say my kid..

anitha said...

thank u for meaning of the sloka its very useful for my kid

anitha said...

thank u for meaning, its very useful for my child..

anitha said...

thanks for useful updates of slokas, keep up this work which is the service to god...